Welcome to DFGames Reward Program! You're invited to earn rewards from DFGames.
On our website you earn redeemable points by:
Making your purchases directly from our website;
Through the purchases made by customers you refer;
Using Promotional Coupons.
As you can see, there are many ways you can earn points using our Reward Program.
When you accumulate enough points, you will have the choice of redeeming towards
Game Currencies, PowerLeveling, CD-Keys, and Game Cards. On our Products List, you will be able to check how much points you need in order to exchange for the item you are interested, making it very clear and easy for you!
Reward program benefits
Joining is easy and free, every member automatically participates.
Earn more by simply making your purchases with us.
Refer your friends and receive more points towards your account when they make a purchase.
If you agree on receiving emails when registering, you will periodically receive promotional coupons to redeem towards promotional material as well as promotional emails announcing special sales for you to take advantage.
You can redeem your points toward any product on the website, including game currencies, powerlevel, cd-keys and game cards.
To check your transactions history, the items that were already redeemed using points and also to find out how to invite your friends and earn even more points with their purchases, please visit the page My Rewards.
New support ticket
Important: Estamos extremamente sobrecarregados neste momento. Por favor, apenas abra ticket se seu problema for de extrema urgência!
Os serviços continuam funcionando normalmente!
Seu pagamento será confirmado dentro do prazo, depósitos bancários estão sendo verificados habitualmente, reclamações resolvidas, reembolsos sendo feitos. Tudo nos conformes, não crie tickets sobre estes assuntos rotineiros, que eles serão tratados normalmente! Criar ticket sobre assuntos rotineiros podem apenas atrasar ainda mais o seu pedido!
No momento existem mais de 640 tickets na fila de espera. Poderá levar até 3 dias úteis para o seu tíquete ser respondido.
Não crie tickets desnecessários, por favor! Seu ticket poderá ser finalizado sem qualquer resposta.