
Conta Battlenet. WoW - Retail(Shadowlands) - Blizzard

Lvl 45 até 50

Rogue - Servidor Azralon(Horda)
Monk - Servidor Azralon(Horda)
Warrior - Servidor Azralon(Horda)
DH - Servidor Nemesis(Horda)
DK- Sevidor Nemesis(Ally)
Vendo conta Blizzard com 3 jogos: World of Warcraft, Diablo 3 e suas espansões e Overwatch.

Chars WOW
Warlock - Sevidor Nemesis(Ally) LVL 60 não equipado

Lvl 60 Equipados
Paladin - Servidor Azralon(Ally) Full 1950 PVP, Spec Holy, 2 Lendários 291 - Conv Kyrian e Necro 80
Hunter - Servidor Mal'ganis(Ally) Full 2100 PVP, 3 SPEC - MM, BM and Survivor. Lendários 291 Surv-BM e lendário MM Necrolord. Conv Venthyr e Necro 80
Priest - Servidor Nemesis(Ally) Full 1950 PVP, Spec Holy, 2 Lendários 291 - Conv - Venthyr 80 
Druid - Sevidor Nemesis(Ally) Full 2100 PVP, Spec Resto e Feral(necrolord), 4 Lendários 291, Conv - Necro 80
Warrior Servidor Nemesis(Ally) Full 1950 PVP, Spec Arms e Fury, 5 Lendários 291, Conv - Kyrian e Necro 80
Shaman Servidor Nemesis (Ally) Full 2100 PVP, Spec Resto, 2 Lendários 291, Conv - Necro 80

Conta Battlenet. WoW - Retail(Shadowlands)

conta blizzard
(cód. 975279432)
$ 785.00
Up to 12x $ 87.55 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 1963 DFG Points
Gift: You win 981 more points
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Member since: 06/2022

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