Conta Epic 196 jogos (jogos comprados- lista descrição) - Epic Games
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Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Kardboard Kings
Invincible Presents: Atom Eve
Far Cry 3: Sangue de Dragão- R$ 11,24
Far Cry New Dawn Concluído- R$ 44,99
Outliver: Tribulation
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
The Spirit and the Mouse
Wild Card Football
Fallout® Classic Collection
Data Descrição
24/08/2024 The Callisto Protocol
24/08/2024 Gigantic: Rampage Edition
12/08/2024 Apex Legends™: Conj. Desbloqueio Grátis da Conduit
12/08/2024 Apex Legends™
11/08/2024 CYGNI: All Guns Blazing
30/07/2024 F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch
07/07/2024 The Falconeer: Standard Edition
02/07/2024 Sunless Skies: Sovereign Edition
25/06/2024 Rumble Club — Bônus do jogo grátis da semana
25/06/2024 Rumble Club
25/06/2024 Freshly Frosted
16/06/2024 Redout 2
12/06/2024 Marvel's Midnight Suns
24/05/2024 Farming Simulator 22
18/05/2024 Dragon Age: Inquisition – Edição Game of the Year
05/05/2024 Orcs Must Die! 3
05/05/2024 Cat Quest II
26/04/2024 LISA: Definitive Edition
26/04/2024 INDUSTRIA
Data Descrição
20/04/2024 Town of Salem 2
20/04/2024 The Big Con
08/04/2024 Thief
07/03/2024 Astro Duel 2
05/03/2024 Aerial_Knight's Never Yield
25/02/2024 Super Meat Boy Forever
18/02/2024 Dakar Desert Rally
10/02/2024 Lost Castle
10/02/2024 Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!
01/02/2024 Doors - Paradox
28/01/2024 9Lives Arena e 8 mais
28/01/2024 Last Remains
25/01/2024 Infinifactory
18/01/2024 LOVE
13/01/2024 Sail Forth
06/01/2024 Fall Guys - Presentão
04/01/2024 Guardiões da Galáxia da Marvel
03/01/2024 20 Minutes Till Dawn
01/01/2024 Escape Academy
Data Descrição
29/12/2023 Snakebird Complete
28/12/2023 Cat Quest
27/12/2023 Cursed to Golf
27/12/2023 Human Resource Machine
25/12/2023 The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
24/12/2023 Ghostwire: Tokyo
22/12/2023 art of rally Edição Standard
21/12/2023 Melvor Idle
20/12/2023 DNF Duel
18/12/2023 FAR CRY 4 e 4 mais- R$ 52,56
14/12/2023 Destiny 2: Coleção de Clássicos (2023)
10/12/2023 Predecessor
10/12/2023 GigaBash
14/10/2023 Blazing Sails
24/09/2023 The Forest Quartet
24/09/2023 Out of Line
17/09/2023 The Sims™ 4
09/09/2023 Spelldrifter
Data Descrição
29/12/2022 Eximius: Seize the Frontline
29/12/2022 Dishonored - Definitive Edition
28/12/2022 Mortal Shell
27/12/2022 Severed Steel
18/12/2022 Fall Guys - Beldade da Neve
18/12/2022 Sable
28/08/2022 Ring of Pain
28/08/2022 Destiny 2 Pacote do 30º Aniversário da Bungie
07/08/2022 Unrailed!
10/07/2022 VALORANT
10/07/2022 Killing Floor 2
10/07/2022 Ancient Enemy
26/06/2022 Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
26/06/2022 A Game Of Thrones: The Board Game Digital Edition
26/06/2022 Fall Guys
21/05/2022 Borderlands 3
27/02/2022 Century: Age of Ashes
06/02/2022 Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Data Descrição
22/01/2022 Relicta
30/12/2021 Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION
30/12/2021 Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
30/12/2021 Salt and Sanctuary
28/12/2021 Moving Out
27/12/2021 Mages of Mystralia
25/12/2021 Prey
22/12/2021 Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
21/12/2021 Second Extinction™
20/12/2021 Loop Hero
19/12/2021 The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
18/12/2021 Remnant: From the Ashes
17/12/2021 Neon Abyss
25/11/2021 theHunter: Call of the Wild™
14/11/2021 Pacote Epic Temporada Quatro de Rogue Company
14/11/2021 Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure
07/11/2021 Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
07/11/2021 Aven Colony
30/10/2021 DARQ: Complete Edition
Data Descrição
22/10/2021 Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
17/10/2021 Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
17/10/2021 Pacote Epic de Paladins
09/10/2021 PC Building Simulator
02/10/2021 Europa Universalis IV: Songs of Yuletide
02/10/2021 Europa Universalis IV
27/09/2021 Santa's Sweatshop
27/09/2021 EVE Online
25/09/2021 Auto Chess
25/09/2021 The Escapists
18/09/2021 Tharsis
18/09/2021 Speed Brawl
09/09/2021 Sheltered
09/09/2021 Nioh: The Complete Edition
04/09/2021 OHDcore Mod Kit
04/09/2021 Yoku's Island Express
21/08/2021 Void Bastards
21/08/2021 Yooka-Laylee
13/08/2021 Rebel Galaxy
Data Descrição
06/08/2021 Minit
06/08/2021 A Plague Tale: Innocence
01/08/2021 Train Sim World® 2
01/08/2021 Mothergunship
21/07/2021 Offworld Trading Company
21/07/2021 Obduction
17/06/2021 Overcooked! 2
17/06/2021 Hell is Other Demons
11/06/2021 Control
11/06/2021 Genshin Impact
03/06/2021 Frostpunk
01/06/2021 Among Us
18/05/2021 The Lion's Song
23/04/2021 Core
23/04/2021 Hand of Fate 2
23/04/2021 Alien: Isolation
04/04/2021 Tales of the Neon Sea
26/03/2021 Creature in the Well
22/03/2021 The Fall
Data Descrição
06/03/2021 Wargame: Red Dragon
24/02/2021 RAGE 2
24/02/2021 Absolute Drift
04/02/2021 Metro Last Light Redux
04/02/2021 For The King
28/01/2021 Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition
21/01/2021 Path of Exile
14/01/2021 STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: Celebration Edition
11/01/2021 Demo de Crying Suns
11/01/2021 Crying Suns
01/01/2021 Rogue Company
31/12/2020 SLUDGE LIFE
31/12/2020 Jurassic World Evolution
27/12/2020 Night in the Woods
24/12/2020 INSIDE
23/12/2020 Tropico 5
21/12/2020 Defense Grid: The Awakening
19/12/2020 The Long Dark
18/12/2020 Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
Fall Guys
Epic Games Store
Data Descrição
17/12/2020 Hyper Scape™
17/12/2020 Cities: Skylines
13/12/2020 Unreal Engine
12/12/2020 Star Trek Online
11/12/2020 Warframe
11/12/2020 Tyranny – Gold Edition
11/12/2020 Pillars of Eternity - Definitive Edition
11/12/2020 Heroes & Generals WWII
11/12/2020 CRSED: Cuisine Royale
11/12/2020 Squad 44 Mod SDK
14/05/2020 Grand Theft Auto V: Edição Premium
12/05/2020 Drivable Cars Basic Pack: 3D assets and Blueprints e 16 mais
12/05/2020 Death Coming
Conta Epic 196 jogos (jogos comprados- lista descrição)
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