
AR 55 GENSHIN IMPACT w/Diluc, Tartaglia, Xiao and more...

AMERICA ACCOUNT - lvl 55 world 8

Gêmeo inicial LUMINE.
- Todos os Anemoculus e Geoculus coletados.
- Recompensas de Reputação coletadas.
- Muitos artefatos 5 estrelas.

Dúvidas mande mensagem!!!

Keqing (lvl 90) C0 + JADE lvl90
Diluc (lvl 90) C0  + Wolf lvl90
Sucrose (lvl 70) C3
Tartaglia (lvl 90) C1 + Harpa lvl80
Xiao (lvl 90) C0
Travel (lvl80) 
Jean (lvl80) C0
Hutao (lvl80) C0
KLEE (lvl80) C0 + DODO lvl90
Xinqgiu (lvl80) C4
Bennet (lvl80) C0
Chong (lvl70) C0
Fischel (lvl70) C3
Razor (lvl70) C3
Noelle (lvl60) C6
DIona (lvl60) C2
Barbara (lvl60) C4 
XianLing (lvl60) C3
Kaeya C0, Beidou C3, Lisa C2, Xinyan C3, Amber C0 <<< LVL 50
Ayato lvl40 C0
Beidou lvl 20 C3
Rosaria C2 e Yanfei C0  <<<<<<<< LVL 01

AR 55 GENSHIN IMPACT w/Diluc, Tartaglia, Xiao and more...

genshin account
(cód. 957119950)
Status: Sold
$ 18.10
Up to 3x $ 6.93 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 46 DFG Points
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Guaranteed purchase

Seller information

fuykii ( 7 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 12/2020

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