
Conta LoL 235 skins - League of Legends

Conta top full champ unranked com 235 skins sendo:
- 3 Ultimate;
- 13 Míticas;
- 28 Lendárias;
- 85 Épicas;

45 Cromas, 204 Ícones, 24 Sentinelas, 183 Emotes

Conta LoL 235 skins

(cód. 965378475)
Status: Sold
$ 55.07
Up to 6x $ 10.99 installments on your card
When you buy this product you earn 138 DFG Points
units sold

Guaranteed purchase

Guaranteed purchase

Seller information

needhealing ( 6 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 02/2021

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