
Conta League of Legends smurf LVL 57 LOL

Conta smurf com mais de 130k de maestria de katarina, contem varias skins dela
Mais de 5k de essência laranja
4 chaves
Gold 4 10 vitorias 1 de pdl
Mmr bom
30 Champs
13 skins ao todo
70 ícones
6 wards
4 cromas
20 emots
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Conta League of Legends smurf LVL 57

conta smurf
(cód. 939009558)
Status: Sold
$ 8.60
When you buy this product you earn 22 DFG Points
units sold

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Guaranteed purchase

Seller information

kynn_san ( 1 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 04/2021

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