
Vendo Conta do lost ark / 5 personagem 1500+ / + jogos steam

Vendo conta upada Black Fang: Roster 173

Barda 1535 - Set full brell + lv 2 kakul
4 slot preset de profile e skill.
Qualidade equips: 70% +
4x3 1x2 - Awakening, Drop of Ether, Desperate of Salvation, Expert - Heavy armor 2
4x3 1x2 - Awakening, Vital Point, Desperate of Salvation, Expert - Heavy armor 2
Desperate of salvation - 5/20 ou só trocar um anel pra desperate 3 heavy 5 para ficar 5x3
Specialization - 547
Swiftness - 1630

Artist 1507 - 2 item da brell + lv 1 kakul
3 slot preset de profile e skill.
Qualidade equips: 50% + - arma 93
(EVENTO) 4x3 - Awakening, Full Bloom, Expert, Vital Point
Specialization - 653
Swiftness - 1532

Summoner 1528 - Set full brell + lv 2 kakul
2 slot preset de profile e skill.
Qualidade equips: 70+ - arma ta 92
4x3 1x2 - Grudge, Master Summoner, Keen Blunt Weapon, Hit Master - Adrenaline 2
Master summoner 1/20 ou trocar 2 itens dela para pegar 5x3
Crit - 570
Specialization - 1650

Sorceress 1535 - Set full brell + lv 2 kakul
3 slot preset de profile e skill.
Qualidade equips: 70+ - arma ta 92
5x3 - Grudge, Raid Captain, Reflux, Hit Master, Adrenaline
Crit - 493
Swiftness  - 1654
PVP 5x3 - Spirit Absorption, Strong will, Heavy armor, Reflux, Hit Master.
Domination - 518
Swiftness  - 1681

Arcanista 1511 - 4 item brell + lv 2 kakul
3 slot preset de profile e skill.
Qualidade equips: 60+
4x3 1x2 1x1 - Grudge, Cursed Doll, Barricade, Hit Master, Adrenaline 2, Empress´s Grace 1
Crit - 598
Specialization  - 1525
5x3 - Adrenaline, Grudge, Order of the Emperor, Raid Captain, Hit Master
Crit - 582

Berserker 1450 - Full relic vatan / vykas
2 slot preset de profile e skill.
Qualidade equips: 30+
4x3 1x2  Grudge, Mayhem,Master´s Tenacity, Cursed Doll, Keen Blunt Weapon 2
Obs: Pedra ta 8/6 se pegar uma 7/7 fecha 5x3
Crit - 1241
Swiftness  - 736
5 gema lv 5 DMG (EVENTO)
6 gema lv 5 CD (EVENTO)
Obs: Tem 2581 great honor leapstone bound

Shadowhunter 1430 -
2 slot preset de profile e skill.
Qualidade equips: 30+
4x3 Adrenaline, Grudge, Demonic Impulse, Hit Master
Crit - 482
Specialization  - 1410
1 gema lv 5 DMG 
1 gema lv 5 CD
Obs: Tem 858 great honor leapstone bound

Engraves 12: oder of the emperor, recurrence, true courage // barricade, drops of ether, hit master, mp efficiency increase, master tenacity, max mp incriease, preemptive strike, strong will, vital point hit.
(Grudge falta 8, awakening falta 16, heavy armor falta 18, desperate of salvation falta 15, master summoner falta 19.

Stronghold lv 70 max
Muito material para clicar.
Farm de gold semanal - 90k
Light of salvation 7/7 +20
Lostwind Cliff 6/6 +19
Kazeros´s Legion Commanders 5/6 +8
We´ll Meet Again 3/3 +12
Forest of Giants 3/3 +10

Bonus+ 23 jogos da steam incluindo:
Left 4 dead 2
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Tom Clancy´s Raibow Six Siege
Little NightMares

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Vendo Conta do lost ark / 5 personagem 1500+ / + jogos steam

conta lost ark + jogos steam
(cód. 906016341)
Status: Sold
$ 258.14
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Seller information

luizthomazini ( 1 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 03/2023

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