
Conta Honkai Level 87 C/ Elysia, Jade Knight Out Fit Elysia - Others

Level: 87
Personagens: 50 os mais raros são Herrscher of Origin, Herrscher of Thunder, Herrscher of Human: Ego, Herrscher of the Void, SILVERWING: N-EX, Vermilion Knight: Eclipse, Jade Knight, Goushinnso Memento, Blood Rose, Molotov Cherry, Black Nucleus, Stygian Nymph, Azure Empyrea
5★ Stigmata: 14 sendo elas da Elysia, também o set completo da Herrscher of Origin (Mei)
5★ Weapons: 9 as mais raras sendo, Nocturnal Stealth Beam (Jade), Frozen Naraka (Sakura Memento), Domain of Unity (Herrscher of Origin), Key of Limpidity, Domain of Ego Flawless Return (Elysia), Falcon Flare 0019 (Bronya N-EX).
5★ Outfit: Herrscher of Human: Ego Peachy Spring

Conta Honkai Level 87 C/ Elysia, Jade Knight Out Fit Elysia

conta honkai end game
(cód. 975288552)
$ 138.49
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