
Conta adventure rank B, lv 200+, mundo aqua, com pokes +50 - PokeXGames PXG

.POKEMONS: Togekiss +50. Holding: Y-Wing (Tier: 3) Price: $3375000. (na master ball e particle aura) Bronzong +50. Holding: X-Lucky (Tier: 2) and Y-Regeneration (Tier: 1) Price: $2235000. (particle aura) Gardevoir +50. Addons: 1. Holding: X-Lucky (Tier: 2) and Y-Light (Tier: 1) Price: $3335000. (particle aura) Shiny hypno +39. Addons: 1. Holding: X-Cooldown (Tier: 3) Price: $2800000. Wobbuffet +38. Price: $1500000. (na master ball) Girafarig +38. Holding: X-Lucky (Tier: 2) and Y-Regeneration (Tier: 2) Price: $1420000. Jynx +17. Price: $405000. Claydol +16. Price: $268500. Exeggutor +22. Addons: 1. Holding: Y-Teleport (Tier: 5) Price: $470000. .JÁ CONTÉM MESA RANK B DE PROFISSÃO .CONTÉM 1 XP BOOST DAS OLIMPIADAS (You see a XP BOOST. It's an unique item. 5 hours and 20 minutes of bonus XP! One time use! Don't work with party.) .A CONTA VAI CONTENDO QUASE 2KK NO VAULT CASO QUEIRA MAIS INFORMAÇÕES PERGUNTE AI QUE EU RESPONDO

Conta adventure rank B, lv 200+, mundo aqua, com pokes +50

conta lv 200+ psycraft, adventure rank b, aqua, com pokes+50
(cód. 957163587)
Status: Sold
$ 32.91
Up to 6x $ 6.60 installments on your card
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wukong ( 7 )

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Member since: 04/2017

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