
Conta Tibia EK 382 Celebra Skill 119/112

Vendo EK 382 em Celebra, mundo non pvp Skills: 119/112 na Barra Acc com 20% de Loyalty 2 Runas de bestiário: Dodge e Parry Varios Acessos Mounts: Ursagrodon War Bear Draptor Blazebringer Donkey Tiger Slug Tamed Panda Addons Full: Warrior Barbarian Druid Wizard Oriental Assassin Demon Hunter Afflicted Glooth Engineer Acc possui varios Makers, entre eles um ek lv 76 em Peloria com skills 117/111. Char vai com set basico e 500k no bank. Caso queira, tenho full set (Gnome Shield, Blade of Destruction, Slayer of Destruction, Gnome Sword, Ornate Chessplate), porém o valor aumenta em 200,00.

Conta Tibia EK 382 Celebra Skill 119/112

vendo ek 382 em celebra skill 119/112 na barra
(cód. 955396701)
Status: Sold
$ 137.68
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cmassouquetto ( 7 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 02/2017

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