Account Genshin impact
America server, AR60
There won't be any bargain so please don't ask!!!
The characters I don't have are only a few:
The images of the characters are from hoyolab and you can see ALL of them, but I'll list the most important/relevant ones:
-Xiangling c6
-Xingqiu c6
-Fischl c6
-Sucrose c6
-Bennet c6
-Faruzan/Gorou/Mika/Kujou Sara all c6
-Yunjin c6
-Raiden c2
-Nahida c2
-Furina c1
-Hutao c1
-Ganyu c1
-Ayaka c2
-Shenhe c2
-Wanderer c2
-Yelan c2
-Neuvillette c1
-Kazuha c0
-Tighnari c6
-Eula c6
-Qiqi c5 for the enjoyers xD
There are many more, you can see it from the images, AS WELL AS the weapons but I'll list some of them:
-Feastering desire (event of albedo from the start of the game, now is used on furina)
-2 fav of every type lvl 90, only 1 claymore leveled
-Hunters path (tighnari signature, extremely rare)
-Freedom sworn
-Mistsplitter (2x lvl 90)
-Alley hunter r5 lvl 90 and other r4 lvl 1if ever needed
And many other weapons leveled
The account currently also has 2k cristals for leveling weapons, many prototypes (4sword/11bow/11clay/3spear of normal and 7sword/2bow/4clay/4spear/4catalyst of the dark one), around 150xp purple books and 500 red, around 7.5kk mora and all map till map 4.4 is 100% (these resources can change since I'll keep playing to not losing resources)
Important to know: it has around 100days of blessing (Jan 19, 2024), doesn't have genesis bonus of the expensive packs, has 107 wishes, pit of the limited banner is at 75 of guaranteed and the weapon is at around 40
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Account Genshin impact
account genshin impact ar60
(cód. 994607548)
Situação: Vendido
Em até 12x de R$ 724,60 no cartão
Na compra desse produto você ganha 2752 DFG Points
Compra garantida